Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My first SilverLight App

It's been quite long that SilverLight was released. It's an exciting new technology that is going to change the way we create web applications.

I wrote a small and simple application using SilverLight. Here is what it looks like-

I can't see anything :(

If the above statement is true, you probably do not have SilverLight 1.0 installed on your machine. You can download it from here.

I see the smiley. So, what about it?

Well, if you can see it, you should notice that the smiley isn't really smiling. It's sad. Click on it to make it smile. Click it again to make it sad. Go on and on and on. Keep playing with it until you are tired of it :)

As you notice, the app does not do something great. Actually, it was never intended to do something really great. I built it while trying my hands on SilverLight. And it took me roughly about 10 minutes to do this stuff.

If you can do this in less than 10 minutes of effort, just imagine how much potential it has got.

BTW, I don't know if you noticed or not, one of my earlier posts used Windows Live SilverLight Streaming server to stream an audio onto the browser.

Looks nice! Can I get the source-code?

Of course yes! You can download it from the downloads section of my web-site.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The countdown has begun

If you are wondering what that timer on top of this page is for, here is your clue - I got engaged on August 26th 2007. Now do you want to take a guess what that timer stands for????

Correct! You got it right! Actually, irrespective of whether you got it right or wrong, I am still going to state it here in this post cause that basically is the intent of posting this entry. That was a lot of crap!!! Lets get straight to the point - today is January 11th and exactly after 100 days, on April 20th, 2008, 3 PM, I would be tying knots with Esha. To know a little more about Esha, you can read my old post about my engagement.

As everyone kept asking me about the date, I thought it would be a nice idea to put up a tiny little timer here on the blog. I had been thinking about it since last few days. One fine day, I sat down and wrote the timer. And now, its up here.


Not surprisingly, some of my friends cursed me for not coming out of my geek hat even now. But I personally think its pretty cool! For one, it tells everyone how much time is left for my marriage so they can plan their travel etc. And secondly, I got to write some JavaScript code which I hadn't in about a year!


UPDATE: The time of wedding has been changed to 11 PM. It was scheduled at 3 PM as mentioned earlier in this post.